Defining smile

Mind seldom does multitasking when the tummy rumbles and asks the million dollar question ‘Where is my food?’ The mission was clear – destination McDonalds. Everything else was secondary at the moment. A tough day at the office usually has a very bad impact on your temperament and I was almost swearing when the queue at my counter was not moving. Someone has either placed a big order or is having a lot of indecision in selecting their choice of burger.
I was wrong. Making his order was a young man. His motions were restricted, his speech was not very audible and he had a distinctive stutter. The girl at the counter just ignored any mumbles coming from the queue.
The man needed help and the Mac lady was doing a great job. I don’t know how long her day had been or how tough it was. I know for sure it wasn’t very easy, but she was smiling. Smiling all the way till she handed over his order and took extra time to add an extra sugar in his coffee on request.
The queue wasn’t long anymore. The people weren’t mumbling. All were smiling.

Some acts simply can’t be more accurately defined, other than through a smile. This was one.

Wishing you acts and reasons to smile

Rainbow of hope

The autumn leaves caught in the many small whirlwinds seemed to play to the tune of the wind whistling ‘merry go round the mulberry bush’.
The overcast sky was a stark contrast to the bright blue sky nature had painted a while ago.
The gusty winter wind added a spring to the pace of pedestrians, more so to the ones who forgot their overcoats. Ones in their overcoats, dug deeper into their pockets.
The evading warmth of nature caused a greater yeaning for brightness and warmth…just like one strained relation causes the human mind to look for warmer shores.
Pellets of rain hurled from the heavens hit hard on the heart of Earth. The first ones vanished, consumed by an accommodating Earth. The ones that followed overflowed… endless tears that can only be wiped by the rainbow of hope and the warmth of the sun.

I stood wondering how nature in her transition so closely resembled the vagaries of a human mind under transition.

Have a great day filled with the rainbow of hope and the warmth of a bright and smiling sun.

She means the WORLD to me

In times of trouble and at times when you are helpless, there is one word that comes to us even before we call out to God - Mom...Amma...Maa...
A word that soothes us beyond compare..

To me, Mother personifies 'Care', 'Love', 'Control', 'Solace'....

Someone to whom I can tell all my concerns knowing i would get a solution...
[If she doesnt have a solution at all, there is always this solution called a hug]

Someone whom you have to pinch or chide so that she would stop singing your praise or little faults to friends, family and strangers alike...

Someone who deserves the very best from us... not just on the second sunday of May [Mothers Day] but every day together...

Dedicating this to all moms to whom their kids mean the world and to all kids to whom their moms mean the world.

A moment in thought

Running to catch up with a life that is sprinting,
We often forget to stop a while to look back and think...
A moment to think of those who love us... not just the ones we love....
A moment to thank those strangers who became more than just a part of our life...while they helped us back to our feet when we stumbled in our stride...
A moment to thank those inspirations - events,individuals,words, thoughts... that helped us rise from the ashes of desperation and explore the blue skies high...

Its only when we have that we can give

It was on a Sunday - a week before to my second trip to Aussie land had been scheduled.
It was difficult to face him in such a situation. A situation where neither of us could control our tears
My grandpa was bedridden, and I had to see him - more than just to ask for his prayers and blessings...
I sat by his side, held his hand and gently talked to him... told him about my trip..
He smiled.. tears running down his cheek and he held my hands and told me this...
'Never hesitate to help someone in need. It is only when you have, that you can give...'
That remains the last words he spoke to me...

Pappa was one who lived by what he spoke to me that day...
He was fooled many a time by cons who happily told him lies for the money...
He was chided many a times by friends and family.. including myself, for being so 'lavish' in his help...
He wouldn't stop at it...

Just a word to all my dear friends.... Its only when we have that we can give... and that includes everything.. love, smile, money....every little thing

Now here is a :-) just for you

As a new day dawns

Seconds slipped, minutes fled and hours vanished as an year evaporated before our very eyes...
People who were near... not near anymore...
People whom we never knew the very essence of our life
Events that we thought would spell our doom turned out to be a stepping stone to new heights...
Opportunities we thought we could grab, just slipped away before we ever knew...
Luck, happiness, sorrow,love, hate... all mixed and served in the plate called 'The New Day'...
Tomorrow wakes up to yet another day...
Resolutions change...outlook change :-) we mostly remain the same...

Let the days that dawns bring out the best in you dear friend...

Song of Life

Seldom is life, blue sky without clouds
Seldom does sun shine all the day long
Yet once the rain falls, the cloud cover melts
The rainbow of hope smiles in colours bright...

Thus goes the song of life...
giving us all a reason to smile despite the clouds of trouble we all have to face one time or the other....

Dream Builders

Somewhere down the walk of life, i thought i would bid bye to dreams...
When realization hit, i knew my life was a dream, and bidding bye to it .... couldnt just be...
Tiny dreams well knit to build a beautiful life....
At times a dream tumbles like sand castle in the wave or card castle in the wind...
Next time, build it with fevicol :-) just make it a bit stronger....
Never give up on your dreams... dream on

Cling On...

If only we could travel down in time, and fly back or forth to happy times...If only wishes could be granted, by fairies or genies from magic lanterns...If only smiles would never vanish today, tomorrow or day after...So many dreams and aspirations all clinging on to a clause called IF..