The perfect frame

Sometimes an artist paints a beautiful picture, only to find that there is one element that is not quite needed in the frame.

It could be a bird, a face, an object… It is very much a part of the creation but is not quite required… a misfit…
What urged the creation in the first place?

Even the creator would not have an answer to it.

Such is life for some… a misfit in the frame of life…
An ugly child in a family of beautiful and handsome…
A dimwit in a class full of brilliants…
An unwanted ‘thing’ in the frame…
Yes it is very much a part of the picture… very much a part of you…but what if it is growing into you more than yourself?
Medical science refers to it as a cancer….
We could call this a mental cancer...
It needs removal… radiation and chemotherapy… a battle against our very own…
We would want to ensure that not a single cell remains lest it manifests into a greater cancer at a later point.
We try and we try and then one day we die… and that part of us we fought… we don’t know if it still is a part…

I would rather not fight it… I shall embrace it…I am this mental cancer and I can’t be different from it…bring it on – the pang of realization and the pain of separation… I’ll embrace it with a smile…its been what I am from creation…

He chanted at the skies…and the Gods had no answer… People who walked past stared at times...Those who were used to him, just walked their merry path...

The misfit rambled on, even as the silence of Gods manifested into a drizzle that drenched his body, but not his thoughts…
The misfit rambled on, embracing the frames he is already a part of…walking on to be part of more frames that he has not planned to be part of…
The Gods had no answer to his questions...neither in the delicate peal of a thunder, nor in the silent brillance of a lightning. They all had a knowing smile. They were too experienced to bother and worry about the misfit and his complaints. There sure was another misfit awaiting him somewhere in this whole wide beauty called creation… The other part that would make his picture perfect


Sometimes the love we hold so dear to our heart fades away into the night, like soft mist into think air.
Time stealing our precious laughs and drying our silent tears, as we stare into the unknown.
Little do we know what went wrong !

Technicolor dreams fading into black and white...
And we, left clueless...not knowing what went wrong !