Mask of Life

The rain drops slithered and slided down the window pane.
What I saw leaning against the glass, reflected my life.
Just short of insanity, yet so full of meaning.
Just blurred and hazy, yet so clear and pristine.
I slowly peeled the mask off my face. The mask of life.
Everything that was meaningless to that very moment, now seemed to have a meaning. However the meaning wouldn't be revealed so easily. There was a clause to it.
The distant star of love needed to take off her mask as well.
Until then, it would all be a dream. A prayer.
A pain that would carve into our heart, cutting us without bleeding.
Hurting us without paining.

"Put the mask back and you will be just fine" So said the voices from around.

A moment in thought and then I threw off the mask from my hand.
It pained as the droplets of rain ran down the past, into an unknown future.
There I stood alone... but all I cared for was that smile I could see in a distance.
My star, no longer mine, smiling for me.

This was the paradox of life opening its door to me.