Defining smile

Mind seldom does multitasking when the tummy rumbles and asks the million dollar question ‘Where is my food?’ The mission was clear – destination McDonalds. Everything else was secondary at the moment. A tough day at the office usually has a very bad impact on your temperament and I was almost swearing when the queue at my counter was not moving. Someone has either placed a big order or is having a lot of indecision in selecting their choice of burger.
I was wrong. Making his order was a young man. His motions were restricted, his speech was not very audible and he had a distinctive stutter. The girl at the counter just ignored any mumbles coming from the queue.
The man needed help and the Mac lady was doing a great job. I don’t know how long her day had been or how tough it was. I know for sure it wasn’t very easy, but she was smiling. Smiling all the way till she handed over his order and took extra time to add an extra sugar in his coffee on request.
The queue wasn’t long anymore. The people weren’t mumbling. All were smiling.

Some acts simply can’t be more accurately defined, other than through a smile. This was one.

Wishing you acts and reasons to smile


Anju said...

Indeed..!Smile is the greatest sign of acceptance...and respect! Stumbled upon this and loved it! keep it going:-)

phoenix said...

Thank You Anju.
Am not a regular blogger....Thanks all the same for the support and kind words :)