She means the WORLD to me

In times of trouble and at times when you are helpless, there is one word that comes to us even before we call out to God - Mom...Amma...Maa...
A word that soothes us beyond compare..

To me, Mother personifies 'Care', 'Love', 'Control', 'Solace'....

Someone to whom I can tell all my concerns knowing i would get a solution...
[If she doesnt have a solution at all, there is always this solution called a hug]

Someone whom you have to pinch or chide so that she would stop singing your praise or little faults to friends, family and strangers alike...

Someone who deserves the very best from us... not just on the second sunday of May [Mothers Day] but every day together...

Dedicating this to all moms to whom their kids mean the world and to all kids to whom their moms mean the world.

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