The Thin Red Line

Nothing so sweet as things moving as we planned... or is it adjusting ourselves during unplanned occurances that make us feel good???
Nothing so beautiful as all the good things seeking us...or is it the occassional good thing that seeks us out more joyous???
Nothing so wonderful as a life without trouble... or is it overcoming troubles that make our little moments of glory worth the while???
Perception of events in a journey called life - the thin red line between sorrow and joy.


Minu said...

very thoughtful of u..but why do u say "the thin red line" is there any reason for using that color???

phoenix said...

The name just denotes the can see it all from different angles... one mans sorrow is another mans joy...both of them would be standing on different sides of the thin red line...
the color is just an indicative ... a warning... a stop - think and decide color...

Minu said...

Very good and meaningful concept..I really liked it..way to go..

Unknown said...

The thin red line.... and the weightage on sorrow or happiness decided only by self...